Growing Perfect Orchids
Category Archives: The Orchid Family
Orchid Identification
There are literally thousands of types of Orchids throughout the world today, largely down to hybridization, however, there are a few more common types that you are more likely to come across. Phalaenopsis Orchids Arguably the most common type of … Continue reading
Posted in The Orchid Family
Tagged dendrobium orchids, oncidium orchids, orchid family, orchid identification, orchid types, orchid varieties, paphiopedlium orchids, phalaenopsis orchids
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Simplifying Orchid Types
Despite the fact that there are thousands of species and hybrids of orchid out there, it’s possible to break these down into two distinct orchid types. The Terrestrial Orchid and the Epiphytic Orchid. Terrestrial Orchids Terrestrial orchids as the name … Continue reading